Blurry Date Night – The Perfect Imperfections of Film Photography

Hi, I am Daniel Grant a film photographer out of Massachusetts, but born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica! Wah Gwaan? Portraiture is my thing, and I am still finding what my niche is. All I know is “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but still better than a master of one” shooting any and all things it’ll fall into place soon.

An impromptu shoot schedule with Ixchel caught me outside with no tripod and shooting with only available light. Creativity must continue and I love shooting within my limitations.  Having to shoot Ilford HP5+ pushed 3stops on my Mamiya C330 with the 80mm F 2.8 lens handheld with the following settings Shutter speed a 60th, Aperture 2.8 was going to be a task and a half given that my ideal is usually somewhere around F 5.6. These were the words I said to myself just breath before each shot and hope for the best you’ll get something out of it either way. Fire images or a lesson to never leave home without a tripod. We played around with the idea of a woman who went on a date and was broken up with & hoped for the best.

After developing and scanning the images I could kick myself, but as I said earlier spray and pray – you’ll either get fire images or a lesson. Luckily, we have a chance to do it over, but I felt these blurry, barely missed focus images tell a story of their own. Hopefully you think the same 😊. 12800 coming soon to a blog near you.



Its the way you envelope me

The way my skin transitions from only mine to ours

No longer will I experience that

… but the way these shadows hug me will be a visual reminder

The same way the shadow of you now lingers in my memory

Desperately I cling to you

I cling to you like the air I breathe and the water I drink

You’re my first cup of coffee in the morning

The warmth on my hands as I hug the mug

The steam that greets my lungs as I take my first sip

My prayers at night

My comforter that safely cuddles me into bed

You are all the things that keep me alive, wake me up and put me to bed at night

Who knew you would also be the thing that killed me

... This wasn’t how it was supposed to go

Sometimes I still reach out for you

Will I ever stop? Perhaps

But for now I honestly don’t want to

You’ve left me here..

You’ve left me here to wonder was it me, was I the reason you didn’t want to stick around..

Was I not beautiful enough, funny enough, chill enough..

The problem is I keep thinking it’s me, when it isn’t.

That’s the problem - the ego drives me to blame you, my brain drives me to question was it me

Damaged but not broken

Like bruised fruit you may want to pass over me, but those who indulge know I’m the sweetest of them all

What I now have more than ever is texture

When I run my fingers over my skin I now feel the ridges that will lead me to the path i need to be on

The experience I have gained and the years I have aged

I guess this is goodbye for the old me

A see you later for us

An until I meet you for the new me


Lamp Lit Portraits.


Carmen, Pantsuit and the Parking Garage